索菲是弗朗西斯最要好的朋友兼室友,两人整日里出双入对,关系俨然比情侣要亲密的多。然而某日,索菲忽然告诉弗朗西斯,自己要搬到城中和另一个女孩同住。虽然索菲万般保证两人还是朋友,但弗朗西斯的内心依旧十分失落。 无法独自负担房租的弗朗西斯只得另觅住处,索菲的朋友列夫在关键时刻助了弗朗西斯一臂之力,就这样,弗朗西斯开始了和列夫以及列夫的室友本吉一起的同居生活,并承诺会在圣诞节的舞蹈演出后付齐房租。糟糕的是,没过多久,弗朗西斯便丢掉了工作。一时之间,她不知道自己究竟该何去何从。
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2024 喜剧简介:Halberstadt, the summer of 1990: Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in their backpacks and involve their neighbors in a clever scheme to cheat capitalism by exchanging it for goods.
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